Home Assistant custom component Cookiecutter

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Read the documentation at https://cookiecutter-homeassistant-custom-component.readthedocs.io/
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This repository is a Cookiecutter template for a Home Assistant custom component based on the integration_blueprint template.

This project is sort of fusion of cookiecutter-homeassistant-component, integration_blueprint and cookiecutter-hypermodern-python projects.


It is recommended to use the latest stable version by using the command:

$ cookiecutter gh:oncleben31/homeassistant-custom-component \


  • Ready to use Home Assistant custom component

  • UI configuration with config Flow

  • Translations

  • Development, testing and step by step debugging in Visual Studio Code development container

  • HACS ready

  • Continuous integration with GitHub Actions

  • Settings for pre-commit

  • Optional tests suite with pytest and code coverage

You can find a repository created with this cookiecutter template in the cookiecutter-homeassistant-custom-component-instance example.


What is this project about?

The mission of this project is to provide Home Assistant custom component developers a ready-to-use template with best practices from Home Assistant developers documentation and from Hypermodern Python blog articles.

Where does the custom component come from?

The code of the custom component generated by this cookiecuter has been intitated and maintained by @Ludeeus. I try to keep synchronized with it and implement additional features.